About Us

Our Experience

We pride ourselves on our high-quality workmanship, that’s why 70% of our work is sourced through customer referrals. Our attention to detail and hands-on after-sales care has helped us gain a positive reputation among our customers.


Our Managing Director, Brendan, has extensive experience within the heating and plumbing industry. Brendan began his career with an apprenticeship with AJ Cruise Heating and Plumbing between 1967 and 1973.

  • 1973 Brendan went to Alberta Canada and worked as a pipe fitter.
  • 1975 returned to Ireland worked on the oil rigs in Dublin bay and Co.Wexford.
  • 1977 started paramount heating, solid fuel, oil and gas installations. Approved Esso oil and bord gais installers. At one point employing 12 fitters and 1 fulltime salesman.
Brendan is also an IDHEE fellow and an APHCI founder. 

If you’re interested in upgrading any of your heating or plumbing systems, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly.